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  • Solvents:


    Slow evaporation synthetic expander:
    Special mixture of solvents to expand household alkyd based paints. Also offered in reduced odor.

    Quick evaporation synthetic expander:
    Special mixture of solvents to expand industrial synthetic paints and speed up its drying time.

    Retarding thinner:
    Solvent mixture used to dilute and regulate the drying process of nitrocellulosic products for a better film filming.

    Regular thinner:
    High solvability mixture used to dissolve automotive and industrial coatings before application.

    Quick evaporation thinner:
    Special mixture of high solvency power used to speed up the drying mechanism. Different grades are available according to the quality of the product to be dissolved.

    Special thinner for 2k line:
    Solvent mixture used with the 2k line of products to improve the drying mechanism without affecting its excellent properties (especially glossiness).